Étapes possibles pour Suppression Vil APP de Windows 2000
Les erreurs générées par Vil APP
0x8024A000 WU_E_AU_NOSERVICE Automatic Updates was unable to service incoming requests., 0x000000CA, Error 0xC0000428, 0x000000D8, 0xf081A CBS_E_INVALID_DRIVER_OPERATION_KEY the driver operations key is corrupt or invalid, 0x000000CC, 0x8024200F WU_E_UH_INCONSISTENT_FILE_NAMES The file names contained in the update metadata and in the update package are inconsistent., 0x0000003F, 0x8024800F WU_E_DS_STOREFILELOCKED The data store could not be initialized because it was locked by another process., 0x0000001A, Error 0x80240031, Error 0x80240020, 0x8024002A WU_E_MISSING_HANDLER A component required to detect applicable updates was missing., 0x80240008 WU_E_ITEMNOTFOUND The key for the item queried could not be found., 0x0000007A, 0x0000001E, 0x80244014 WU_E_PT_INVALID_COMPUTER_LSID Cannot determine computer LSID., 0xf081F CBS_E_SOURCE_MISSING source for package or file not found, ResolveSource() unsuccessful, 0x80244023 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT Same as HTTP status 503 - the request was timed out waiting for a gateway.