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0x0000007E, 0x80240023 WU_E_EULAS_DECLINED The license terms for all updates were declined., 0x00000048, 0x00000098, 0x000000E2, 0xf0801 CBS_S_BUSY operation is still in progress, 0x8024401F WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR Same as HTTP status 500 - an error internal to the server prevented fulfilling the request., 0x0000004D, 0x80243FFD WU_E_NON_UI_MODE Unable to show UI when in non-UI mode; WU client UI modules may not be installed., 0x0000002A, 0xf0821 CBS_E_ABORT client abort, IDABORT returned by ICbsUIHandler method except Error(), 0x000000D2, 0x000000B8, 0x8024400A WU_E_PT_SOAPCLIENT_PARSE Same as SOAPCLIENT_PARSE_ERROR - SOAP client failed to parse the response from the server. , 0x80244031 WU_E_PT_ECP_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT The format of a metadata file was invalid., 0x000000A1, 0x000000F3, 0x80244004 WU_E_PT_SOAPCLIENT_CONNECT Same as SOAPCLIENT_CONNECT_ERROR - SOAP client failed to connect to the server., 0x8024800E WU_E_DS_ROWEXISTS The row was not added because an existing row has the same primary key.